Go, Stop, Go Again - TechnoLament (2024)

Chapter Text

“Good evening class. Give me a moment to set up, then class would officially begin.” The professor took some time to get the projector working while the last kids funneled into class. This was a common occurrence, and not one that Makoto often paid attention to. He sat all the way in the back usually, and usually either talked to his seat neighbor when they showed up, or texted his friends during class. However, today was far from usual, as he caught a glimpse at who his desk neighbor was for the day.

“Oh, hey Kiri!” Makoto enthusiastically called her by his nickname. A genuine smile arrived on his face when he looked at the seat next to me. “I’m surprised you’re sitting next to me. Does that mean our resident ghost girl is willing to be more friendly?”

“Hello Naegi. ” She responded, not with the same tone of annoyance as yesterday but still maintaining the same slyness. “And I’m sorry, but I’m afraid this ghost is still far too monstrous to communicate with the living. That, and all the desks besides this one are taken.”

Makoto searched around, only to confirm Kyoko’s statement. He looked back at the smirking girl. Class hasn’t even started and she’s already made him look foolish. Normally Makoto wouldn’t have minded, yet it seemed like all she did was pick on him. All he wanted was friendship! Was that so bulliable? Makoto huffed at her as the teacher began the lesson. Kyoko took out her notebook to begin jotting down notes. She had two pens in order to colorcode her notes, as well as a rainbow of highlighters and sticky notes for further categorization. She had a physical book propped on her desk and her laptop showing Quizlet flashcards of the current topic.

Makoto was playing Flappy bird.

“I think it’s amazing how you’re willing to pay so much for college and proceed to do nothing with it. Truly an admirable way to waste money.”

“Geez, are you my mommy now, Kiri?” Makoto nearly fell out of his desk after receiving a patterned Kirigiri death glare. “K-kidding. It’s just a review of the last test. I don’t think there’s anything new that she’s saying that I can’t intuit.”

“Well then, you certainly must’ve done exceptionally well on the last exam to blow off your education.” Kyoko continued. That last reply, unknown to Makoto, contained the exact type of arrogance she couldn’t stand. Makoto shrugged before pulling his last exam out from his bag. He uncrumpled the paper before handing it to Kyoko (he forgot to bring his folders on moving day, so he’s been going with the flow when it comes to receiving physical copies). Kyoko seemed to scan over it with a predator-like intensity. Makoto pretended to still be interested at the game on his phone, but from the corner of his eyes were glued to Kyoko’s face, desperately attempting to read her poker face. After he lost to the first green pipe for the fourth time in a row, she finally spoke.

“Not even an A minus? Honestly I’m very disappointed. But what was I really expecting from you, Naegi?

Makoto looked over in disbelief to see Kyoko’s test on top of his. Not only did she score twelve points higher than him, but she also received a perfect score on top of that! The more Makoto looked at her test the more dejected became. Even the free response questions they both got correct were more detailed and accurate on Kyoko’s paper than his. She even got a special note from the teacher congratulating her on her score. That wasn’t fair at all! Where was his note?

“There’s no wa-aaaah!” Makoto yelped as he fell out of his chain back-first onto the ground. He looked up to see the entire class staring back at him. Some of the more popular boys were making jokes at his expense, while a few of the quiet girls to the side were giggling to himself. He felt his face grow red as the teacher commanded him off the floor.

“I-I’m sorry Ms. Yukizome! W-won’t happen again.” Makoto pulled himself up and quickly bowed, his face caked with blush as the entire room looked at him. But worst of all…

“...was after that, Kiri was all like. ‘You should be more careful, Naegi .’ The teacher even agreed with her. In front of everyone!” Makoto vented about his embarrassing story to his upperclassman friend, occasionally throwing his voice comically flat to mimic Kyoko.

They were outside the school at a local park, with Hiro lying down on a bench while Makoto paced back and forth, relaying his embarrassment from 3 hours ago. “Relax Mak. Normally you don’t get so worked up about stuff like this.” Hiro spoke softly to try and calm Makoto down. Makoto sighed before taking another hit of his box mod vape. He normally didn’t smoke unless at social functions or when he was overwhelmed, but the embarrassment from the incident in class today left him wanting for some sort of high.

Makoto puffed out the smoke in his lungs before continuing. “I know, it’s just, this is different somehow.”

“Is Toges’s competitiveness running off on you?” Hiro responded before taking a hit of his own e-cigarette.

“Maybe…” Makoto sounded unconvinced. While playing chess with Byakuya felt like its own war at times, he doubted that it made a difference when it came to Kyoko. The words she said played on repeat in his brain. Did she honestly expect anything from him? No, he didn’t know her that well, but he knew that she didn’t expect a thing for someone not named Kyoko Kirigiri. But then what did she want from him? Was education that important in her mind? Or something else? Did she think he was just wasting his ti-

“I’m going back to my room. Wanna get some stuff.” Makoto told Hiro before he began to think too hard.

“Why? Leave your charger or something?”

“Nah, just need my bad. Going to the library in a bit.”

“Woah, dude, what about the party? You promised you’d go man.” Hiro stood up and tapped Makoto on his chest with the back of his hand. “There’s gonna be babes from Blackroot University there. Blackroot. Babes. You can study another day when there’s actually a test.”

“I still got homework to do. Plus, I don’t wanna fall too far behind in my classes. Law got hard stuff in it.”

Hiro sighed. “If you're sure man. Just don’t let that girl get in your head. You plenty smart, even if you got an 88 instead of a 100. Really smart. I mean, just look at me, on my last chem mock I got a thirty-nine!”

“You’re not graduating are you…”

“...probably not…”


“Ah shoot. Okay, so, in the Bull-Dog Sauce Case in 2006, the court ruled that it was illegal to-”

“Nope. Also that case was in 2007. And you forgot to write your name on the paper.”

“AAGH!” Makoto squawked. He turned around to see Kyoko peering over his shoulder, wearing the same co*cky smirk that drives him crazy. “G-geez, what are you doing here?”

“We’re in a library, what do you think I’m here for? The free bookmarks?”

“Hmph. What, did you not have enough fun at my expense in class today?” Makoto huffed while failing to suppress a blush. Kyoko, being taller than him, saw past his messy mop of hair to the scribbled on pages of a practice packet. It wasn’t assigned so that means he must’ve found it outside of Hope’s Peak University to work on. And judging by a case of empty pencil led next to his eraser, Makoto must’ve been working at it for a while. That, and the black pen marks on the side of the right hand told Kyoko everything she could ever need to know about the scene. Kyoko sighed, before doing what Makoto could only describe as unthinkable.

“Wh-what the heck are you doing?” Makoto squeeked as he saw the impossible. Kyoko sat next to him. Of her own choice!

“I normally prefer to study by myself. However, you seem to be engaging in work that I don’t have. So it benefits me to assist you with correcting your own work.” Kyoko explained matter-of-factly, without batter so much as an eyelash. Makoto blinked several times over. He pinched his own cheek to check if he was dreaming. Kyoko, the girl who rejected all attempts at friendship, who teased him at every chance she had, who refused even the concept of a nickname, hell even a first name from him, was openly sitting next to him of her own volition.

“A-are you saying you want to study with me?”

“What did you think I was here for? The free bookmarks?” Kyoko gave another one of her signature “I’m better than you” smirks before leaning into his ear. “Besides, seeing you struggle while still getting a much better score is a feeling I just can’t pass up on, Naegi .”

“Y-you suck!” Makoto returned to his work as Kyoko muffled a laugh. Despite his swearing, Kyoko was the best tutor he’d ever had. She had a much better memory than him, and a way with her words that made even the loosest of thoughts seem like the topic of an official academic research paper. And despite her co*cky smile and general enjoyment of seeing him squirm, she seemed genuinely into watching him understand foreign topics. Honestly, Makoto could’ve sworn she wanted this even more than he did.

“The packets’ done! Heck yeah!” Makoto raised his hand for a high five, just to be met with nothing but air. However, Kyoko gave him a small, yet warm smile, one of genuine happiness rather than arrogance or slyness. Still, Makoto figured this was her way of responding positively to him.

“Your potential isn’t even close to this. Don’t think we’re done yet.” Kyoko’s face went straight back to business, much to the dismay of Makoto. She took his education very seriously, for some reason that escaped Makoto. Not that he wasn’t appreciative, but he really didn’t think her time was best used on him, or that he would be able to keep up with whatever Kyoko has already imagined.

“Yeah yeah, I’ll be right back; going to get some air.” Makoto half-truthed. Technically he was going outside to get some air. And if that air came from his charged box and was flavored like mangos and peaches, who was she to judge? Hopefully she wouldn’t judge if she knew, Makoto thought, as he breathed in the smoke, feeling the cold breeze against his skin as he stood between the streetlights. He’d hate for her to see him like this because….because?

Why was he doing this? No, better question, why was she doing this? First the lecture during class and now this? And why did he care so much if he looked dumb in front of her? Or if she caught him vaping? Maybe it was because she has been so adamant about denying his friendship? Makoto shook his head. He thought way too much whenever it came to Kyoko. It wasn’t like him. He took in another puff as he absorbed the feeling of nature. The calm wind, the cold air, the quiet moon. This was more peaceful than thinking of her. He still wanted her friendship, don’t get him wrong, but sometimes understanding Kyoko was hard..

He remembered when he first heard rumors of her. Many, due to her pale skin and faded hair color, believed her to be some sort of evil phantom or vengeful. That too included his freshman mentor, Hiro, and his roommate, Byakuya. That’s where his interest in her first peaked, if to just calm down the fighting between his friends on whether or not ghosts actually existed. Yet when he first talked to her, he found out the rumors were more accurate than he thought. She was no monster, but she seemed to be not just as icy, but also as lonely as the rumors said she was. Honestly, he felt lucky she was even talking to someone like him (even if it was just to bully him about his perspective on life).

Makoto breathed out one last time before shoved his vape in his back. He didn’t want to be out for too long. As he walked back, he saw a familiar face talking to Kyoko. He picked up on a few words- something about directions to the printers- but nothing concrete. However, as he came closer he saw Kyoko’s facial expression. She looked…uncomfortable? Not ice cold or smug, just…blatant unhappiness. Before Makoto could even think, he was already moving to turn the stranger around.

“Hey why’d the hell you grab my shoulder-oh shoot what’s up Makoto?” Leon turned around, and immediately upon seeing his friend he dapped him up. His aggravated expression quickly changed into a more sociable one.

“Nothing much, why are you here Leon?”

“Trying to print some flyers out for a party I’m hosting soon. Actually, why are you here? Weren't you going to be at that Blackroot girl’s party today? You promised Hiro and Byakuya you’d go with them.” Kyoko’s interest was piqued as she stared at Makoto, who to her, seemed like he was becoming a completely different person than the one she’s spent time with. Not that she was complaining, as she would rather take anything than continue the conversation she had with Leon.

“Ah y’know, school’s hard man. Completely bombed my last test. Gotta study for the retake.”

“sh*t freal? You of all people flunked a test? They having you build rockets or something.” Leon laughed at his own joke before accidentally locking eyes with Kyoko. His face changed to match the gears in his head. “Oh sh*t were ya’ll…?”

“Yeah. I’m kinda a dumbass so I begged her to tutor me. She managed to actually get me a passing grade in my class. But she’s, like, super tired right now so she ain’t really in the talking mood. So that’s why we’re both here. Sorry, completely forgot to text anyone about this.” Makoto clapped his hands together in a mock prayer. Kyoko bit her tongue when it came to Makoto’s fabrications, and Leon took everything Makoto said at face value.

“Ah sh*t. My bad man. Totally didn’t know.” Leon mimicked Makoto as he apologized to Kyoko. “If you're bored Friday you can come with Makoto to my party. If he thinks you’re tight then I f*ck with you too. Plus I do freal feel bad for jumping you while your social battery is dead.” Kyoko merely nodded, not entirely sure what Leon said (she would make sure to google what “f*ck with” meant in slang so she’d no whether or not to slap him).

“Anyways, printers are in the back. We’re just about to wrap up.” Makoto pointed towards the back left corner of the building.

“Yeah totally dude. But you better show up Friday. It won’t be fun without you man. You promised.”

“Definitely.” Makoto smiled as daped up Leon once more before the boy left towards the back. He and Kyoko sat in silence shortly as he went out of earshot. She seemed better than before, but still, she definitely seemed caught off guard by Leon’s personality. “Sorry. Leon’s not a bad guy or nothing, but he’s always super intense. Combine that with his inability to read the room and heavy use of modern slang, and he can kinda be…a lot. Sorry for not saying anything sooner.”

“I’m fine,” Kyoko lied, but Makoto decided not to push it. She wasn’t a people person, and barely tolerable of him. Talking to Leon was probably all the social interaction she could take. The pair continued to work in silence before Kyoko, uncharacteristically, opened up conversation again.“T-thanks. I…think I’m going to go now.”

“Yeah, of course.” Makoto nodded in understanding. He had theories, but if he was correct on how she was feeling he knew she needed some time to herself. “And anytime, it’s partly my fault for not wanting to text anyone I wasn’t going.”

“I thought you forgot?”

“I…kinda did.” Makoto looked away shamefully. “Me coming here was kind of last minute. I was gonna give some excuse to my friends later if I didn’t see Leon here. Cause I uhm, didn’t want to tell my friends I wasn’t going to the party to study instead. I…I dunno man. It’s dumb but I’m dumb and-”

“Shut up.”


Kyoko stared at him for what felt like an eternity, her face unreadable but still showing some sort of negative emotion. She’s been doing that a lot lately, he’s noticed. Mostly whenever he does something that makes him look foolish, or worse, makes her think less of h-

“Give me your phone number.”

“W-what?!?” Makoto couldn't help but scream, earning him several side eyes from fellow library occupants. If there was a 1% chance that Kyoko would want to study with him, then it would have to be a 0.00001% chance she would ask for anything like this from him! Makoto stuttered too much, attempting to get some sort of response out. Kyoko sighed, already regretting her decision.

“You look like a kicked puppy whenever you talk about the promises you can’t keep. Honestly it doesn’t surprise me given your personality, but that doesn’t mean it makes me dislike it any less. So, for your own sake, take my number, and feel free to use me as an excuse to say no to anything you want to say no to. Since you clearly can’t do it by yourself.”

“H-hey…” Makoto chose to ignore asking what she meant by “his personality” and asked what he thought was more important. “...d-don’t you think it’s kinda inappropriate, y’know, to ask someone for their number so directly like that. That’s like, stuff high school girls do when they're flirting.”

“...god you’re so annoying.” Kyoko pinched the bridge of her nose. She was this close to smacking the boy upside the head. In her eyes he was acting much more of a high school girl than her. “Can’t you just let me even the score with you? I hate being in people’s debt, and I won’t let myself weigh you down with what just happened with Leon.”

“Hey! W-we still can, but you aren’t weighing me down.” Makoto scrambled to take out his phone from his pocket, nearly dropping it. “Just let me friend you on insta.”

“On what?”

“Uh, Instagram, like the app.” Makoto explained, yet Kyoko’s face remained unchanged. She was looking at him like he was the crazy one! “Don’t you have an insta?”

“Why would I? I’m a student, not a photographer.” Kyoko continued to talk to Makoto like he was speaking a different language, which confused him more than it annoyed him.

“That’s not the point. It’s a social media website. Bonding with your peers and making friends. Y’know, normal people things.”

“So I’m abnormal because I don’t use your stupid app?” Kyoko took out her phone, gripping it like she wanted to crush it into a metal ball. Kyoko knew the boy who insisted on calling her by that god awful nickname would never be satisfied with something as professional as exchanging email addresses. The more she thought about it, the more the veins in her forehead popped. She jammed her fingers onto the screen like she was trying to break her nails. After a few more aggressive taps, she turned her phone around to Makoto. “There, I have it now. So let’s exchange them already.”

“...you know you still need to make an account, right?”

“...I truly despise you, Naegi .”


[Kyoko.Kirigiri]: Cute dog.

[Theluckyduckling]: ?

Makoto was currently lying in the back of a stranger's pickup truck. After helping Kyoko make an account, they managed to friend each other just like she wanted. They decided to end their study session, giving Makoto enough time to make it to the party (but not in time to see all the “hot babes”, according to Hiro). Only a few people were still there, but he managed to find some familiar faces, and a few unopened bottles of beer in the backseat. Lightly buzzed, he continued to check his phone. He still felt sober enough to text Kyoko.

[Kyoko.Kirigiri]: The one in the picture next to your name.

He checked what she was talking about. His profile picture was of him when he was a child, holding a puppy in his arms in the same way Simba was held in The Lion King.

[Theluckyduckling]: oh my pfp

[Theluckyduckling]: it’s when i first got nova

[Theluckyduckling]: she’s my dog

[Theluckyduckling]: big ol’ husky lol

[Kyoko.Kirigiri]: I see. Well now we are even. You know what to use this contact for. Take care, Naegi.

He frowned. DId she really need to italicize his name in text too?

[Theluckyduckling]: wait !!!

[Theluckyduckling]: what happens if you need me?

[Theluckyduckling]: like another leon situation?

[Theluckyduckling]: youll need a rock and i know like everyone

[Theluckyduckling]: let me help you two !1!

Okay, so maybe he was more tipsy than he thought. But he still noticed how long it took Kyoko to type a message in response.

[Kyoko.Kirigiri]: Fine. But that will be the extent of our relationship. I know you’re intelligent enough to notice that I am not entirely fond of people. And while I still find your personality and presence abhorrent, I would be willing to stay around you, if only under the pretense that you continue to reduce the amount of unwanted encounters in my life. You seem capable of at least that. Understood?

“Hehe. Kiri said I’m a smart boy. That makes me happy.” A somewhat very drunk Makoto giggled to himself as he read the texts on his phone. Luckily, all his friends were either asleep, or too drunk themselves to notice Makoto so giddy over his phone messages.

[Theluckyduckling]: yup

[Theluckyduckling]: see you tmrw kiri :3

Kyoko left him on read. But that was fine with him. Even though he couldn't understand everything she was saying, or, well most of it to be honest, he knew that he’d still have a chance to talk with her more! And talking to his friends always made him feel better. Diving into other people and learning about them was exactly what he lived for. To spend all day putting his mind towards another person was when he felt most at peace. The drunk luckster struggled to pick himself up, but managed to stand on the third try. He walked with an even bigger smile than he normally had. While rummaging through the fridge looking for beer, he started humming to himself, like a child on christmas eve. Maybe he could even convince her to come to a party with him? Before Makoto to form another thought about whether or not she’d approve of the types of parties he goes to, the amount he drinks at them, or any of the other things he does to waste his time, he quickly began chugging another cold beverage, one he really hoped had at least some alcohol in it.

Kyoko would be a lot more fun to hang out with if she didn’t make him think as much.

Go, Stop, Go Again - TechnoLament (2024)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.